* Create an instance, get an instance or invoke a command on a instance.
* If there is no instance associated with the current node a new one is created and `arg` is used to extend `$.jstree.defaults` for this new instance. There would be no return value (chaining is not broken).
* If there is an existing instance and `arg` is a string the command specified by `arg` is executed on the instance, with any additional arguments passed to the function. If the function returns a value it will be returned (chaining could break depending on function).
* If there is an existing instance and `arg` is not a string the instance itself is returned (similar to `$.jstree.reference`).
* In any other case - nothing is returned and chaining is not broken.
* __Examples__
* $('#tree1').jstree(); // creates an instance
* $('#tree2').jstree({ plugins : [] }); // create an instance with some options
* $('#tree1').jstree('open_node', '#branch_1'); // call a method on an existing instance, passing additional arguments
* $('#tree2').jstree(); // get an existing instance (or create an instance)
* $('#tree2').jstree(true); // get an existing instance (will not create new instance)
* $('#branch_1').jstree().select_node('#branch_1'); // get an instance (using a nested element and call a method)
* If left as `false` the HTML inside the jstree container element is used to populate the tree (that should be an unordered list with list items).
* You can also pass in a HTML string or a JSON array here.
* It is possible to pass in a standard jQuery-like AJAX config and jstree will automatically determine if the response is JSON or HTML and use that to populate the tree.
* In addition to the standard jQuery ajax options here you can suppy functions for `data` and `url`, the functions will be run in the current instance's scope and a param will be passed indicating which node is being loaded, the return value of those functions will be used.
* The last option is to specify a function, that function will receive the node being loaded as argument and a second param which is a function which should be called with the result.
* a callback called with a single object parameter in the instance's scope when something goes wrong (operation prevented, ajax failed, etc)
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.error
error : $.noop,
* the open / close animation duration in milliseconds - set this to `false` to disable the animation (default is `200`)
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.animation
animation : 200,
* a boolean indicating if multiple nodes can be selected
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.multiple
multiple : true,
* theme configuration object
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.themes
themes : {
* the name of the theme to use (if left as `false` the default theme is used)
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.themes.name
name : false,
* the URL of the theme's CSS file, leave this as `false` if you have manually included the theme CSS (recommended). You can set this to `true` too which will try to autoload the theme.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.themes.url
url : false,
* the location of all jstree themes - only used if `url` is set to `true`
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.themes.dir
dir : false,
* a boolean indicating if connecting dots are shown
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.themes.dots
dots : true,
* a boolean indicating if node icons are shown
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.themes.icons
icons : true,
* a boolean indicating if the tree background is striped
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.themes.stripes
stripes : false,
* a string (or boolean `false`) specifying the theme variant to use (if the theme supports variants)
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.themes.variant
variant : false,
* a boolean specifying if a reponsive version of the theme should kick in on smaller screens (if the theme supports it). Defaults to `false`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.themes.responsive
responsive : false
* if left as `true` all parents of all selected nodes will be opened once the tree loads (so that all selected nodes are visible to the user)
* if left as `true` web workers will be used to parse incoming JSON data where possible, so that the UI will not be blocked by large requests. Workers are however about 30% slower. Defaults to `true`
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.worker
worker : true,
* Force node text to plain text (and escape HTML). Defaults to `false`
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.force_text
force_text : false,
* Should the node should be toggled if the text is double clicked . Defaults to `true`
* @name $.jstree.defaults.core.dblclick_toggle
dblclick_toggle : true
$.jstree.core.prototype = {
* used to decorate an instance with a plugin. Used internally.
* @private
* @name plugin(deco [, opts])
* @param {String} deco the plugin to decorate with
* @param {Object} opts options for the plugin
* @return {jsTree}
plugin : function (deco, opts) {
var Child = $.jstree.plugins[deco];
if(Child) {
this._data[deco] = {};
Child.prototype = this;
return new Child(opts, this);
return this;
* initialize the instance. Used internally.
* @private
* @name init(el, optons)
* @param {DOMElement|jQuery|String} el the element we are transforming
* @param {Object} options options for this instance
* get the path to a node, either consisting of node texts, or of node IDs, optionally glued together (otherwise an array)
* @name get_path(obj [, glue, ids])
* @param {mixed} obj the node
* @param {String} glue if you want the path as a string - pass the glue here (for example '/'), if a falsy value is supplied here, an array is returned
* @param {Boolean} ids if set to true build the path using ID, otherwise node text is used
* loads a node (fetches its children using the `core.data` setting). Multiple nodes can be passed to by using an array.
* @name load_node(obj [, callback])
* @param {mixed} obj
* @param {function} callback a function to be executed once loading is complete, the function is executed in the instance's scope and receives two arguments - the node and a boolean status
* @return {Boolean}
* @trigger load_node.jstree
load_node : function (obj, callback) {
var k, l, i, j, c;
if($.isArray(obj)) {
this._load_nodes(obj.slice(), callback);
return true;
obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj) {
if(callback) { callback.call(this, obj, false); }
return false;
// if(obj.state.loading) { } // the node is already loading - just wait for it to load and invoke callback? but if called implicitly it should be loaded again?
if(obj.state.loaded) {
obj.state.loaded = false;
for(k = 0, l = obj.children_d.length; k < l; k++) {
* @param {Boolean} status was the node loaded successfully
this.trigger('load_node', { "node" : obj, "status" : status });
if(callback) {
callback.call(this, obj, status);
}, this));
return true;
* load an array of nodes (will also load unavailable nodes as soon as the appear in the structure). Used internally.
* @private
* @name _load_nodes(nodes [, callback])
* @param {array} nodes
* @param {function} callback a function to be executed once loading is complete, the function is executed in the instance's scope and receives one argument - the array passed to _load_nodes
_load_nodes : function (nodes, callback, is_callback) {
var r = true,
c = function () { this._load_nodes(nodes, callback, true); },
* @param {Object} node the recursively loaded node
if(callback) { callback.call(this, obj); }
this.trigger('load_all', { "node" : obj });
* handles the actual loading of a node. Used only internally.
* @private
* @name _load_node(obj [, callback])
* @param {mixed} obj
* @param {function} callback a function to be executed once loading is complete, the function is executed in the instance's scope and receives one argument - a boolean status
* @return {Boolean}
_load_node : function (obj, callback) {
var s = this.settings.core.data, t;
// use original HTML
if(!s) {
if(obj.id === $.jstree.root) {
return this._append_html_data(obj, this._data.core.original_container_html.clone(true), function (status) {
* parses a node from a JSON object (used when dealing with flat data, which has no nesting of children, but has id and parent properties) and appends it to the in memory tree model. Used internally.
* @private
* @name _parse_model_from_flat_json(d [, p, ps])
* @param {Object} d the JSON object to parse
* @param {String} p the parent ID
* @param {Array} ps list of all parents
* @return {String} the ID of the object added to the model
_parse_model_from_flat_json : function (d, p, ps) {
* opens a node, revaling its children. If the node is not loaded it will be loaded and opened once ready.
* @name open_node(obj [, callback, animation])
* @param {mixed} obj the node to open
* @param {Function} callback a function to execute once the node is opened
* @param {Number} animation the animation duration in milliseconds when opening the node (overrides the `core.animation` setting). Use `false` for no animation.
* @param {Number} animation the animation duration in milliseconds when closing the node (overrides the `core.animation` setting). Use `false` for no animation.
* hides a node - it is still in the structure but will not be visible
* @name hide_node(obj)
* @param {mixed} obj the node to hide
* @param {Boolean} redraw internal parameter controlling if redraw is called
* @trigger hide_node.jstree
hide_node : function (obj, skip_redraw) {
var t1, t2;
if($.isArray(obj)) {
obj = obj.slice();
for(t1 = 0, t2 = obj.length; t1 < t2; t1++) {
this.hide_node(obj[t1], true);
return true;
obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj || obj.id === $.jstree.root) {
return false;
if(!obj.state.hidden) {
obj.state.hidden = true;
if(!skip_redraw) {
* triggered when an node is hidden
* @event
* @name hide_node.jstree
* @param {Object} node the hidden node
this.trigger('hide_node', { 'node' : obj });
* shows a node
* @name show_node(obj)
* @param {mixed} obj the node to show
* @param {Boolean} skip_redraw internal parameter controlling if redraw is called
* @trigger show_node.jstree
show_node : function (obj, skip_redraw) {
var t1, t2;
if($.isArray(obj)) {
obj = obj.slice();
for(t1 = 0, t2 = obj.length; t1 < t2; t1++) {
this.show_node(obj[t1], true);
return true;
obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj || obj.id === $.jstree.root) {
return false;
if(obj.state.hidden) {
obj.state.hidden = false;
if(!skip_redraw) {
* triggered when an node is shown
* @event
* @name show_node.jstree
* @param {Object} node the shown node
this.trigger('show_node', { 'node' : obj });
* hides all nodes
* @name hide_all()
* @trigger hide_all.jstree
hide_all : function (skip_redraw) {
var i, m = this._model.data, ids = [];
for(i in m) {
if(m.hasOwnProperty(i) && i !== $.jstree.root && !m[i].state.hidden) {
m[i].state.hidden = true;
this._model.force_full_redraw = true;
if(!skip_redraw) {
* triggered when all nodes are hidden
* @event
* @name hide_all.jstree
* @param {Array} nodes the IDs of all hidden nodes
this.trigger('hide_all', { 'nodes' : ids });
return ids;
* shows all nodes
* @name show_all()
* @trigger show_all.jstree
show_all : function (skip_redraw) {
var i, m = this._model.data, ids = [];
for(i in m) {
if(m.hasOwnProperty(i) && i !== $.jstree.root && m[i].state.hidden) {
m[i].state.hidden = false;
this._model.force_full_redraw = true;
if(!skip_redraw) {
* triggered when all nodes are shown
* @event
* @name show_all.jstree
* @param {Array} nodes the IDs of all shown nodes
this.trigger('show_all', { 'nodes' : ids });
return ids;
* called when a node is selected by the user. Used internally.
* @private
* @name activate_node(obj, e)
* @param {mixed} obj the node
* @param {Object} e the related event
* @trigger activate_node.jstree, changed.jstree
activate_node : function (obj, e) {
if(this.is_disabled(obj)) {
return false;
if(!e || typeof e !== 'object') {
e = {};
// ensure last_clicked is still in the DOM, make it fresh (maybe it was moved?) and make sure it is still selected, if not - make last_clicked the last selected node
* refreshes the tree - all nodes are reloaded with calls to `load_node`.
* @name refresh()
* @param {Boolean} skip_loading an option to skip showing the loading indicator
* @param {Mixed} forget_state if set to `true` state will not be reapplied, if set to a function (receiving the current state as argument) the result of that function will be used as state
* @name move_node(obj, par [, pos, callback, is_loaded])
* @param {mixed} obj the node to move, pass an array to move multiple nodes
* @param {mixed} par the new parent
* @param {mixed} pos the position to insert at (besides integer values, "first" and "last" are supported, as well as "before" and "after"), defaults to integer `0`
* @param {function} callback a function to call once the move is completed, receives 3 arguments - the node, the new parent and the position
* @param {Boolean} is_loaded internal parameter indicating if the parent node has been loaded
* @param {Boolean} skip_redraw internal parameter indicating if the tree should be redrawn
* @param {Boolean} instance internal parameter indicating if the node comes from another instance
* @name copy_node(obj, par [, pos, callback, is_loaded])
* @param {mixed} obj the node to copy, pass an array to copy multiple nodes
* @param {mixed} par the new parent
* @param {mixed} pos the position to insert at (besides integer values, "first" and "last" are supported, as well as "before" and "after"), defaults to integer `0`
* @param {function} callback a function to call once the move is completed, receives 3 arguments - the node, the new parent and the position
* @param {Boolean} is_loaded internal parameter indicating if the parent node has been loaded
* @param {Boolean} skip_redraw internal parameter indicating if the tree should be redrawn
* @param {Boolean} instance internal parameter indicating if the node comes from another instance
* clear the buffer of previously copied or cut nodes
* @name clear_buffer()
* @trigger clear_buffer.jstree
clear_buffer : function () {
ccp_node = false;
ccp_mode = false;
ccp_inst = false;
* triggered when the copy / cut buffer is cleared
* @event
* @name clear_buffer.jstree
* put a node in edit mode (input field to rename the node)
* @name edit(obj [, default_text, callback])
* @param {mixed} obj
* @param {String} default_text the text to populate the input with (if omitted or set to a non-string value the node's text value is used)
* @param {Function} callback a function to be called once the text box is blurred, it is called in the instance's scope and receives the node, a status parameter (true if the rename is successful, false otherwise) and a boolean indicating if the user cancelled the edit. You can access the node's title using .text
edit : function (obj, default_text, callback) {
var rtl, w, a, s, t, h1, h2, fn, tmp, cancel = false;
obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj) { return false; }
if(this.settings.core.check_callback === false) {
this._data.core.last_error = { 'error' : 'check', 'plugin' : 'core', 'id' : 'core_07', 'reason' : 'Could not edit node because of check_callback' };
* @param {String} theme_name the name of the new theme to apply
* @param {mixed} theme_url the location of the CSS file for this theme. Omit or set to `false` if you manually included the file. Set to `true` to autoload from the `core.themes.dir` directory.
* @trigger set_theme.jstree
set_theme : function (theme_name, theme_url) {
if(!theme_name) { return false; }
if(theme_url === true) {
var dir = this.settings.core.themes.dir;
if(!dir) { dir = $.jstree.path + '/themes'; }
theme_url = dir + '/' + theme_name + '/style.css';
* @param {String} icon the new icon - can be a path to an icon or a className, if using an image that is in the current directory use a `./` prefix, otherwise it will be detected as a class
* This plugin adds more information to the `changed.jstree` event. The new data is contained in the `changed` event data property, and contains a lists of `selected` and `deselected` nodes.
$.jstree.plugins.changed = function (options, parent) {
* triggered when selection changes (the "changed" plugin enhances the original event with more data)
* @event
* @name changed.jstree
* @param {Object} node
* @param {Object} action the action that caused the selection to change
* @param {Array} selected the current selection
* @param {Object} changed an object containing two properties `selected` and `deselected` - both arrays of node IDs, which were selected or deselected since the last changed event
* @param {Object} event the event (if any) that triggered this changed event
* @plugin changed
parent.trigger.call(this, ev, data);
this.refresh = function (skip_loading, forget_state) {
last = [];
return parent.refresh.apply(this, arguments);
* ### Checkbox plugin
* This plugin renders checkbox icons in front of each node, making multiple selection much easier.
* It also supports tri-state behavior, meaning that if a node has a few of its children checked it will be rendered as undetermined, and state will be propagated up.
var _i = document.createElement('I');
_i.className = 'jstree-icon jstree-checkbox';
_i.setAttribute('role', 'presentation');
* stores all defaults for the checkbox plugin
* @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox
* @plugin checkbox
$.jstree.defaults.checkbox = {
* a boolean indicating if checkboxes should be visible (can be changed at a later time using `show_checkboxes()` and `hide_checkboxes`). Defaults to `true`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.visible
* @plugin checkbox
visible : true,
* a boolean indicating if checkboxes should cascade down and have an undetermined state. Defaults to `true`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.three_state
* @plugin checkbox
three_state : true,
* a boolean indicating if clicking anywhere on the node should act as clicking on the checkbox. Defaults to `true`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.whole_node
* @plugin checkbox
whole_node : true,
* a boolean indicating if the selected style of a node should be kept, or removed. Defaults to `true`.
* This setting controls how cascading and undetermined nodes are applied.
* If 'up' is in the string - cascading up is enabled, if 'down' is in the string - cascading down is enabled, if 'undetermined' is in the string - undetermined nodes will be used.
* If `three_state` is set to `true` this setting is automatically set to 'up+down+undetermined'. Defaults to ''.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.cascade
* @plugin checkbox
cascade : '',
* This setting controls if checkbox are bound to the general tree selection or to an internal array maintained by the checkbox plugin. Defaults to `true`, only set to `false` if you know exactly what you are doing.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.tie_selection
* @plugin checkbox
tie_selection : true
$.jstree.plugins.checkbox = function (options, parent) {
* set the undetermined state where and if necessary. Used internally.
* @private
* @name _undetermined()
* @plugin checkbox
this._undetermined = function () {
if(this.element === null) { return; }
var i, j, k, l, o = {}, m = this._model.data, t = this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection, s = this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected, p = [], tt = this;
for(i = 0, j = s.length; i < j; i++) {
if(m[s[i]] && m[s[i]].parents) {
for(k = 0, l = m[s[i]].parents.length; k < l; k++) {
var s = this.settings.checkbox.cascade, i, j, t = this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection, d = this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected, m = this._model.data;
* get an array of all top level checked nodes (ignoring children of checked nodes) (if tie_selection is on in the settings this function will return the same as get_top_selected)
* @name get_top_checked([full])
* @param {mixed} full if set to `true` the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
* get an array of all bottom level checked nodes (ignoring selected parents) (if tie_selection is on in the settings this function will return the same as get_bottom_selected)
* @name get_bottom_checked([full])
* @param {mixed} full if set to `true` the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
var res = parent.set_state.apply(this, arguments);
if(res && state.checkbox) {
if(!this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) {
var _this = this;
$.each(state.checkbox, function (i, v) {
delete state.checkbox;
this.set_state(state, callback);
return false;
return res;
this.refresh = function (skip_loading, forget_state) {
if(!this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) {
this._data.checkbox.selected = [];
return parent.refresh.apply(this, arguments);
// include the checkbox plugin by default
// $.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("checkbox");
* ### Conditionalselect plugin
* This plugin allows defining a callback to allow or deny node selection by user input (activate node method).
* a callback (function) which is invoked in the instance's scope and receives two arguments - the node and the event that triggered the `activate_node` call. Returning false prevents working with the node, returning true allows invoking activate_node. Defaults to returning `true`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.visible
* @plugin checkbox
$.jstree.defaults.conditionalselect = function () { return true; };
$.jstree.plugins.conditionalselect = function (options, parent) {
* an object of actions, or a function that accepts a node and a callback function and calls the callback function with an object of actions available for that node (you can also return the items too).
* Each action consists of a key (a unique name) and a value which is an object with the following properties (only label and action are required):
* * `separator_before` - a boolean indicating if there should be a separator before this item
* * `separator_after` - a boolean indicating if there should be a separator after this item
* * `_disabled` - a boolean indicating if this action should be disabled
* * `label` - a string - the name of the action (could be a function returning a string)
* * `action` - a function to be executed if this item is chosen
* * `icon` - a string, can be a path to an icon or a className, if using an image that is in the current directory use a `./` prefix, otherwise it will be detected as a class
* * `shortcut` - keyCode which will trigger the action if the menu is open (for example `113` for rename, which equals F2)
* * `shortcut_label` - shortcut label (like for example `F2` for rename)
* @name $.jstree.defaults.contextmenu.items
* @plugin contextmenu
items : function (o, cb) { // Could be an object directly
o = vakata_context.element.find("ul:visible").addBack().last().children(".vakata-context-hover").removeClass("vakata-context-hover").prevAll("li:not(.vakata-context-separator)").first();
if(!o.length) { o = vakata_context.element.find("ul:visible").addBack().last().children("li:not(.vakata-context-separator)").last(); }
o = vakata_context.element.find("ul:visible").addBack().last().children(".vakata-context-hover").removeClass("vakata-context-hover").nextAll("li:not(.vakata-context-separator)").first();
if(!o.length) { o = vakata_context.element.find("ul:visible").addBack().last().children("li:not(.vakata-context-separator)").first(); }
* Enables dragging and dropping of nodes in the tree, resulting in a move or copy operations.
* stores all defaults for the drag'n'drop plugin
* @name $.jstree.defaults.dnd
* @plugin dnd
$.jstree.defaults.dnd = {
* a boolean indicating if a copy should be possible while dragging (by pressint the meta key or Ctrl). Defaults to `true`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.dnd.copy
* @plugin dnd
copy : true,
* a number indicating how long a node should remain hovered while dragging to be opened. Defaults to `500`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.dnd.open_timeout
* @plugin dnd
open_timeout : 500,
* a function invoked each time a node is about to be dragged, invoked in the tree's scope and receives the nodes about to be dragged as an argument (array) and the event that started the drag - return `false` to prevent dragging
* @name $.jstree.defaults.dnd.is_draggable
* @plugin dnd
is_draggable : true,
* a boolean indicating if checks should constantly be made while the user is dragging the node (as opposed to checking only on drop), default is `true`
* a boolean indicating if nodes from this tree should only be copied with dnd (as opposed to moved), default is `false`
* @name $.jstree.defaults.dnd.always_copy
* @plugin dnd
always_copy : false,
* when dropping a node "inside", this setting indicates the position the node should go to - it can be an integer or a string: "first" (same as 0) or "last", default is `0`
* @name $.jstree.defaults.dnd.inside_pos
* @plugin dnd
inside_pos : 0,
* when starting the drag on a node that is selected this setting controls if all selected nodes are dragged or only the single node, default is `true`, which means all selected nodes are dragged when the drag is started on a selected node
* @name $.jstree.defaults.dnd.drag_selection
* @plugin dnd
drag_selection : true,
* controls whether dnd works on touch devices. If left as boolean true dnd will work the same as in desktop browsers, which in some cases may impair scrolling. If set to boolean false dnd will not work on touch devices. There is a special third option - string "selected" which means only selected nodes can be dragged on touch devices.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.dnd.touch
* @plugin dnd
touch : true,
* controls whether items can be dropped anywhere on the node, not just on the anchor, by default only the node anchor is a valid drop target. Works best with the wholerow plugin. If enabled on mobile depending on the interface it might be hard for the user to cancel the drop, since the whole tree container will be a valid drop target.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.dnd.large_drop_target
* @plugin dnd
large_drop_target : false,
* controls whether a drag can be initiated from any part of the node and not just the text/icon part, works best with the wholerow plugin. Keep in mind it can cause problems with tree scrolling on mobile depending on the interface - in that case set the touch option to "selected".
* @name $.jstree.defaults.dnd.large_drag_target
* @plugin dnd
large_drag_target : false
// TODO: now check works by checking for each node individually, how about max_children, unique, etc?
$.jstree.plugins.dnd = function (options, parent) {
* Adds massload functionality to jsTree, so that multiple nodes can be loaded in a single request (only useful with lazy loading).
* massload configuration
* It is possible to set this to a standard jQuery-like AJAX config.
* In addition to the standard jQuery ajax options here you can supply functions for `data` and `url`, the functions will be run in the current instance's scope and a param will be passed indicating which node IDs need to be loaded, the return value of those functions will be used.
* You can also set this to a function, that function will receive the node IDs being loaded as argument and a second param which is a function (callback) which should be called with the result.
* Both the AJAX and the function approach rely on the same return value - an object where the keys are the node IDs, and the value is the children of that node as an array.
* a jQuery-like AJAX config, which jstree uses if a server should be queried for results.
* A `str` (which is the search string) parameter will be added with the request, an optional `inside` parameter will be added if the search is limited to a node id. The expected result is a JSON array with nodes that need to be opened so that matching nodes will be revealed.
* Leave this setting as `false` to not query the server. You can also set this to a function, which will be invoked in the instance's scope and receive 3 parameters - the search string, the callback to call with the array of nodes to load, and the optional node ID to limit the search to
* @name $.jstree.defaults.search.ajax
* @plugin search
ajax : false,
* Indicates if the search should be fuzzy or not (should `chnd3` match `child node 3`). Default is `false`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.search.fuzzy
* @plugin search
fuzzy : false,
* Indicates if the search should be case sensitive. Default is `false`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.search.case_sensitive
* @plugin search
case_sensitive : false,
* Indicates if the tree should be filtered (by default) to show only matching nodes (keep in mind this can be a heavy on large trees in old browsers).
* This setting can be changed at runtime when calling the search method. Default is `false`.
* Indicates if all nodes opened to reveal the search result, should be closed when the search is cleared or a new search is performed. Default is `true`.
* If set to a function it wil be called in the instance's scope with two arguments - search string and node (where node will be every node in the structure, so use with caution).
* If the function returns a truthy value the node will be considered a match (it might not be displayed if search_only_leaves is set to true and the node is not a leaf). Default is `false`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.search.search_callback
* @plugin search
search_callback : false
$.jstree.plugins.search = function (options, parent) {
* used to search the tree nodes for a given string
* @name search(str [, skip_async])
* @param {String} str the search string
* @param {Boolean} skip_async if set to true server will not be queried even if configured
* @param {Boolean} show_only_matches if set to true only matching nodes will be shown (keep in mind this can be very slow on large trees or old browsers)
* @param {mixed} inside an optional node to whose children to limit the search
* @param {Boolean} append if set to true the results of this search are appended to the previous search
* @plugin search
* @trigger search.jstree
this.search = function (str, skip_async, show_only_matches, inside, append, show_only_matches_children) {
// simply specifying the functions in FF throws an error
set : function (key, val) { return window.localStorage.setItem(key, val); },
get : function (key) { return window.localStorage.getItem(key); },
del : function (key) { return window.localStorage.removeItem(key); }
// include the state plugin by default
// $.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("state");
* ### Types plugin
* Makes it possible to add predefined types for groups of nodes, which make it possible to easily control nesting rules and icon for each group.
* An object storing all types as key value pairs, where the key is the type name and the value is an object that could contain following keys (all optional).
* * `max_children` the maximum number of immediate children this node type can have. Do not specify or set to `-1` for unlimited.
* * `max_depth` the maximum number of nesting this node type can have. A value of `1` would mean that the node can have children, but no grandchildren. Do not specify or set to `-1` for unlimited.
* * `valid_children` an array of node type strings, that nodes of this type can have as children. Do not specify or set to `-1` for no limits.
* * `icon` a string - can be a path to an icon or a className, if using an image that is in the current directory use a `./` prefix, otherwise it will be detected as a class. Omit to use the default icon from your theme.
* There are two predefined types:
* * `#` represents the root of the tree, for example `max_children` would control the maximum number of root nodes.
* * `default` represents the default node - any settings here will be applied to all nodes that do not have a type specified.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.types
* @plugin types
$.jstree.defaults.types = {
'default' : {}
$.jstree.defaults.types[$.jstree.root] = {};
$.jstree.plugins.types = function (options, parent) {
* Enforces that no nodes with the same name can coexist as siblings.
* stores all defaults for the unique plugin
* @name $.jstree.defaults.unique
* @plugin unique
$.jstree.defaults.unique = {
* Indicates if the comparison should be case sensitive. Default is `false`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.unique.case_sensitive
* @plugin unique
case_sensitive : false,
* A callback executed in the instance's scope when a new node is created and the name is already taken, the two arguments are the conflicting name and the counter. The default will produce results like `New node (2)`.
* @name $.jstree.defaults.unique.duplicate
* @plugin unique
duplicate : function (name, counter) {
return name + ' (' + counter + ')';
$.jstree.plugins.unique = function (options, parent) {
this.check = function (chk, obj, par, pos, more) {